Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Thankful (Alhamdulillah)


I've been gone for so long . since , the third sem has started , things going so mad and busy . I have no time to write again. Alhamdulillah , everything went well. Life is getting better , it's given by ALLAH(:
I am now , have a new brother (abang KAHA) and a new sister (kak EQIN).
my bother and sister had married last month. i got two of them in click a bit.

Mom was so happy to welcome both of them to be with us as a family.They fit themselves very quickly.
kak EQIN is such a nice person and abg Kaha is so funky man. we're so lucky to have them here.

Their marriage took place at Masjid Usamah.nearer our house in Wangsa Maju. The most lovely things about this wedding is , they've made it so simple. Who cares about how the party was, because they owned that big day.

Kak Long and Abg Kaha picked grey colour as the theme , as what pie said to me, 'kulit macam korang sesuai pilih colour kelabu'.okay pie , faham ! Kitaorang semua gelap kan ? hahaha

Thanks to all friends . They , came not as a guests.They came as a family of mine.They helped me out to run through the wedding.Photographer : CikJam and Pie. Thanks a lot to both of you. You guys took a fabulous pictures of them :P  thanks for making my sister and brother look brighter than they do. hahaha

Thanks to all friend who came also.

Wedding is the most happiness moment to catch from everyone from the family.Boleh merapatkan ukhuwah yang penting sekali.tak kira sesama family atau sahabat.walaupun itu first majlis kahwin yang family aku 'run' , tapi semua berjalan dengan lancar.Alhamdulillah , berkat doa mak jugak mungkin.Family dan kawan kawan semua saling tolong menolong.

Marriage.dalam Islam , satu ikatan yang suci.bagi aku , bukan setakat tanggungjawab, tapi jugak 'menghalalkan apa yang haram'.bagi perempuan,mereka dah dapat 'the specific protector'.kalau tak sebelum ni , abang dan ayah 'protector' kami. perkara yang paling sweet I caught from the wedding was the moment 'abang aku yang menikahkan kaklong' aku.That position suppostly taken by ABAH if he was there.InsyaALLAH , believe in Allah. ada hikmah disebalik semua ini. that wedding suppostly abang wan pun adalah pengantinnya.sebabtu kalau tengok macam'pengantin nikahkan pengantin'.auww! HAHA :D

ini ja yang aku dapat bagi . kalau nak penuh semua kat flickr.*malas upload* hehe

marriage might be the best thing given by ALLAH . especially, dapat zaujah dan zaujatun yang baik dan solehah.sebab itu , kita harus selalu berdoa kepada ALLAH , supaya kurniakan zaujah/zaujatun yang soleh supaya dapat membimbing kita di dunia dan akhirat(:

them :")

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